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br AHR mediates TCDD toxicity and wasting syndrome
AHR mediates TCDD toxicity and wasting syndrome TCDD causes numerous toxicities in laboratory animals, including teratogenesis, hepatic steatosis, thymic atrophy, immune dysfunction and a lethal wasting syndrome [17]. The dose-dependent sensitivity to TCDD-induced toxicities varies widely among l
The results of cell culture models were
The results of cell culture models were further supported by in vivo studies in mice treated with PXR and/or AhR agonists, PCN and β-NF. In these mice, AhR-regulated cyp1a1, and cyp1a2 were suppressed by PXR activation as determined by real time Q-PCR (Fig. 3). The level of PXR mRNA was not changed
br ABCA and cancer drug
ABCA2 and cancer drug response Overall, the expression of ABC transporters has been linked with multidrug resistance phenotypes through the efflux of drugs via ATP-dependent transport. For example, 13 distinct transporters (ABCA2, ABCB1, ABCB4, ABCB11, ABCC1–6 ABCC10, ABCC11 and ABCG2) have been
br Adenosine as a mediator of
Adenosine as a mediator of procedures used to manage pain The issue of caffeine Caffeine, from dietary sources, is perhaps the most widely consumed behaviorally active agent in the world (Fredholm et al., 1999). Initial characterization indicated caffeine had a higher affinity at A1−, A2A− and
br Conclusions The following are the
Conclusions The following are the supplementary data related to this article. Author contributions Conflict of interest Funding sources This work was supported by the Canadian Institutes of Health Research [grant: MOP-79470]. Introduction Sperm cells undergo a number of physical and
3-Indolebutyric acid sale br Experimental Procedures br Ackn
Experimental Procedures Acknowledgments Introduction Synapses are fundamental units for efficient communication between neurons and their target cells. Despite significant progress in understanding the structure of matured synapses, less is known about the mechanisms by which neurotransmitt
Inhibitors of mPGES are considered
Inhibitors of mPGES-1 are considered as safe alternative to NSAIDs in the treatment of chronic inflammatory diseases that are characterized by excessive PGE2 production (Bahia et al., 2014; Khurana and Jachak, 2016; Koeberle et al., 2016; Korotkova and Jakobsson, 2014; Norberg et al., 2013; Psarra e
Several tertiary prevention studies are currently
Several tertiary prevention studies are currently underway examining the use of dutasteride for prostate cancer treatment: (1) during expectant management of prostate cancer, (2) after radical prostatectomy in men at high risk for relapse, and (3) in men with metastatic disease. The Reduction by Dut
Axl which belongs to the Tyro Axl Mer TAM family
Axl, which belongs to the Tyro-Axl-Mer (TAM) family of RTKs, has been reported to regulate a variety of physiological processes including cell survival, proliferation, migration and adhesion, through the activation of the phosphoinositide 3-kinase (PI3K)/V-akt murine thymoma viral oncogene homolog (
br Expression of autotaxin in cancer Autotaxin ATX is
Expression of autotaxin in cancer Autotaxin (ATX) is a member of the family of NPPs (Nucleotides pyrophosphatases phosphodiesterases (NPP) family with a unique lysophospholipase D (lysoPLD) activity, allowing the synthesis of LPA from lysophospholipid precursors such as the lysophosphatidylcholin
Aurora B is also known as chromosomal passenger protein
Aurora-B is also known as chromosomal passenger protein and localizes at the chromosome arms and at centromeres during prophase. As cell cycle continues, Aurora-B moves towards the inner centromere region followed by the central spindle and cortex during transferase and finally accumulates in the m
Suspecting that ACL might regulate the expression or activit
Suspecting that ACL might regulate the expression or activity of myogenic transcription factors, Das knocked down MyoD and found that such intervention abolished the effect of ACL on fast MyHC expression and that, conversely, MyoD overexpression partially rescued reduced fast MyHC expression caused
Citral or dimethyl octadien al
Citral or 3,7-dimethyl-2,6-octadien-1-al is a mixture of two stereoisomeric monoterpene aldehydes (the trans isomer geranial, citral A (40–62%)) and the cis isomer neral, citral B (25–38%) and serves one of the main constituent of essential oils of C. citratusis used in cosmetic, food, fungicides, p
(-)-Bicuculline methiodide Tetracyclines constitute one of t
Tetracyclines constitute one of the most important antibiotic groups used as veterinary and human medicine and as feed additives in the agricultural sector (Li et al., 2011a, Simon, 2005). Annual worldwide production of tetracyclines is estimated to be in the thousands of tons (Michalova et al., 200
br Future directions outlook Peptide based macrocycles are a
Future directions-outlook Peptide-based macrocycles are among the privileged scaffolds in antibiotic drug discovery. Many compounds were discovered by natural product screening and developed unchanged, or as semi-synthetic derivatizations. Since the golden age of antibiotic discovery (1940s-mid 1
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